To Make An Appointment:
Using the chat box below or emailing our front office at office@ctpedineuro.com is the most efficient way to contact us for questions and to begin the process of scheduling.
If you need to speak with our office manager or one of the doctors, please call 860-633-8155, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am - 5pm. If the office manager is not able to take your call, please leave a detailed message including how you can be reached (your telephone number and best time to call).
Information About Fees and Billing
Payment Policy: The price of the Neuropsychological Evaluation depends upon the presenting concerns and the requirements of the evaluation. Please contact our office manager to obtain an estimated fee for evaluation based upon your child's needs.
If a school observation is required and/or attendance at a PPT meeting is requested, this can be arranged for as a separate service and will be billed on an hourly basis.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. However, we will assist you in any way we can with the reimbursement process if your insurance company does agree to reimburse you. You may want to call them before your appointment and give them this Procedure Code: 96132 for first hour and 96133 for additional hours. This is the code they typically use for a Neuropsychological Evaluation.
Payment in full is expected at the time of your visit. We accept cash, checks or credit cards. We accept these major credit cards: Master Card, Visa, Discover.
If your child's school has requested and arranged for the evaluation, and has agreed to fund the cost of the evaluation, the school district will be billed directly.
If you have any questions regarding our payment policy, please call and speak to our office admin at 860-633-8155 or email: office@ctpedineuro.com